Jacopo Albrizio

Frontend developer

A designer whose medium is code. Crafting web interfaces with care. Exploring ways to create unique, fluid experiences.

Introvert, detail-maniac and obsessed with everything related to innovation and design. I enjoy learning new things and try to overcome new challenges while analyzing how I improved through them.

Developing skill through doing. Currently working at Apuliasoft.


  • A tool to bookmark and organize your internet discoveries.

  • ISS

    Real-time tracking of the International Space Station.

  • An easy way to track your watchlist through a command menu.


  • Stripe-inspired mouse-following caption effect using Framer Motion.

  • Visual effect to enhance the aesthetics of a button when pressed.

All craft

A selected set of experiments I'm building as I navigate through ideas.


Get in touch via , or see more of my code on GitHub.